Article en Innovation pour ValorisAction (International Journal of Innovation and Learning.)



Nous avons analysé le concept d’innovation ouverte et de fertilisation croisée de l’innovation dans le secteur du multimédia et TI au Canada pour la revue International Journal of Innovation and Learning.


La fertilisation cross-industrie, ou fertilisation croisée, consiste à appliquer les connaissances, ressources, méthodologies et pratiques d’un secteur à un nouvel environnement, afin d’en tirer le meilleur.


L’innovation ouverte consiste à trouver des expertises à l’externe pour innover, que ce soit avec des partenariats académiques, des centres de recherche, des fournisseurs, ou des clients.



Cross-fertilization for innovation and collaboration in the Quebec multimedia-IT ecosystem

Louis Rhéaume, (ValorisAction, division de G4 SOLUTIONS, École de technologie supérieure and Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, TÉLUQ, Université du Québec, Canada,

January 2017

International Journal of Innovation and Learning





This article studies the hypothesis that training is essential to contribute to the competitiveness of the Quebec multimedia-IT sector. We also hypothesized that intermediary organizations and associations contribute to this development of training and competitiveness. The research is based on 30 interviews (15 firms and 15 non-business) in seven different sub-sectors of the multimedia-IT ecosystem, with 11 different types of organizations, in order to determine to what extent training and development of competencies are adequate and do effectively contribute to the competitiveness of the sector.

Based on these interviews, we conducted a SWOT analysis of training in the Quebec multimedia-IT sector. This article focuses on the quality of training, diversity of competencies and highlights the challenges in training for firms and non-business organizations, as reported by the interviewees.

We conclude that while there are good quality training programs, there are some elements related to entrepreneurship and business issues that are lacking. An increased diversity of workers would be important and integrating more women and foreign workers could help for this.

Keywords: training; innovation; collaboration; multimedia; IT; intermediary organizations; incubators; accelerators; SWOT analysis; competitiveness; human resources management.


International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2020 Vol.20 No.1, pp.25 – 42


Louis Rhéaume



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